Case Study: Cement Silo and Batching Plant for Mixing Small Batches Ad-hoc

This civils contractor undertakes a wide variety of services for leading utility companies throughout the south and east of England. They frequently needed to mix small batches of concrete, which was challenging to manage cost-effectively.

As the batch size was small, there wasn’t an obvious mechanical solution on the market, yet the frequency added up to a lot of manual bag handling, with its associated health & safety considerations and product wastage.

The contractor approached Peveril for help with this immediate challenge, and also expressed their longer-term aspirations to install a batching plant when their budget allowed. Following a site visit to fully understand the situation, Peveril proposed a horizontal shaft mixer that turned around a batch mix in just 5 minutes.

Peveril also were able to supply a mobile batching plant at a price that enabled the client to realise their long-term aspiration in a lot shorter timeframe than they originally envisaged.

The full plant now consists of the horizontal shaft mixer fed by a demountable mobile batching plant, two hoppers for aggregate and one for cement. This was installed on an outside mezzanine deck, which allows for efficient dispatching of the wet, or semi-dry concrete into trucks below.

This cost-effective solution gives the client on-demand concrete at a controllable, waste-free batch size that well suits their application. It has radically reduced manual handling and they have proven many benefits from having the flexibility and speed of batch turnaround.