Used Cement Silo vs. New Cement Silo - Which one is right for me?

This will always be one of the first questions any silo buyer will ask when researching their cement silo options.


We've answered this question hundreds of times over the years, and these days, hundreds of prospective silo buyers will ask us "Which one is right for me?", many folks will raise the question in the first few of minutes of our conversations.

We get it.

Price matters (it's not the only consideration, but it is pretty important). Price often dictates what type of silo, and any silo options and accessories you might get. You need to develop an initial budget and plan for any long-term ownership costs, and that's true for any silo, at any size, in any configuration you might want.


It's tough to answer this question right off the bat, because cement silos have so many variables and options it's often tough to know the price until you've figured out exactly what you want, and maybe even had a manufacturer assess your yard to figure out if it might need any special configurations or non-standard installation work.


At Peveril Group, we strive to educate every prospective buyer, even if that leads you towards a different type of silo. I'll do my level best to offer some realistic price ranges, based on real-world installation and accessory costs right now (in 2022). By knowing these prices you can be then use it to help answer the question - New or Old?

Please keep in mind that all prices, whether for a used cement silo installations, accessories, or anything else, are only estimates based on the average used cement silo project in 2022. Prices can and often do vary drastically based on the product(s) you choose, where your business is and many other factors.

How much does a used cement silo cost?

Most used cement silos will cost £25,000 to £36,000 fully installed in 2021 - this price includes the complete replacement of all working and operational parts.


As with any used silo installation project, this price range can vary dramatically as you add more options or more replace more of the functional items (filters, valves and sensors, control panel and so on.


Just the Silo

Some customers just want the silo.


Installing a silo will involves many other costs. However, some people out there want to do everything themselves, which tends to mean buying and assembling every single component on their own.


We don't typically recommend the do-it-yourself approach, even if you're an experienced professional. There are many variables to consider, and a botched assemble and installation can easily cause far more trouble and long-term costs than it'll save upfront.


Please keep in mind these price ranges don't include shipping the shell or any accessories.


30ton used cement silo (will take a tanker load - just!): £15,000–£19,000.


40ton used cement silo (will tank a tanker load + a little): £18,000–£20,000.


50ton used cement silo (tank + comfortable spare capacity): £20,000–£27,000.


Basic used cement silo install

A basic installation typically includes:


  • Used Silo Shell
  • All parts and accessories
  • Delivery
  • Crane lift and Install
  • Start up and training

Most used silo packages don't include other options or ground works. 


Typical prices for a basic install can range from £25,000 to £36,000. This is a pretty big range, but there are a pretty wide range of potential used cement silos on the market, and different sizes and shapes come with their own considerations, regardless of any add-ons you may want.


Prices have risen in 2022 due to multiple factors, such as a surge of new demand stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic Ukraine War and HS2, and supply chain disruptions causing material shortages and price spikes in many of the essential components needed for manufacturing and installing New Cement Silo - this has then caused a demand in used silos and also pushed the costs up.


Basic Install plus customised screw conveyor

Most silo installations include adding a custom length screw conveyor to feed into the concrete mixer or volumetric lorry.

Most screw conveyors will range in length from 6-15metres in length and will cost (on their own) £2,500 -£12,500 depending on the diameter and the output requirements.


With a customised screw conveyor to meet your site conditions a typical used cement silo installation will cost between: £25,000 and £39,000.


A New Silo Installation

A turnkey new cement silo installation includes everything we've already covered -- the shell, the controls, and basic accessories -- but will be completely new and custom painted (if required) and also includes electrical costs from control cabinet forwards.

A typical turnkey price range for Peveril Group customers in 2021 was between £39,500 and £52,000 for a 50ton capacity silo, this was for diameters ranging from 3.2m-4.2m


Prices for other options

Live Load Cell Systems usually cost £2,000–£4,500.


Automatic Level Sensing and control for your Volumetric Mixer cost £4,500–£5,800 in most cases.


Full comprehensive Silo Inspect, Audit and Report System (Annual Cost) is £395-£1,695 not including the repairs or maintenance.


Cement removal from a blocked silo will cost you £3,500–£6,500 and you may have to wait up to a week for the extraction lorry to arrive so make sure to ensure you engage with a reputable supplier when choosing you silo and that the screw conveyor is removable from the bottom of the silo, if not things can become difficult.


Again, everything here is simply an estimate, and your final price may look much different. I hope you've developed a better feel for the potential costs of installing a used cement silo for your business, including the overall pricing range, and what to expect when you start going through the used cement silo buying process.


We're happy to help you get an actual price for your silo whether it be new or used silo. You can get a quote today. Just click the button below!